Welcome to The Homeschool Counseling Network
Hi there,
My name is Kimberly Bennett. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor turned homeschool mom of one.

In my pre-homeschool mommy life, I worked as a professional counselor in various settings from juvenile justice to public education to psychiatric hospitals before launching my private practice. In 2013, I closed my private practice in Georgia to relocate to Texas with my husband and our two-month-old son.

Back then, homeschooling was never on my radar. (To learn more about our family’s journey to homeschooling, click here.) Once we were settled in Texas, I assumed I would return to direct service, either by starting my practice again from scratch or by working for someone else.

But those were MY plans.
It turns out the Lord had other plans for me.
Plans for me to become a stay-at-home mom, and eventually, a homeschool mom. Plans for me to become a parent advocate by launching a free resource website for families homeschooling children with learning differences (www.itsonlyhomeschooling.com).

Plans for me to turn my family’s trials into triumphs by sharing our experience with others through writing blog posts and creating digital content to educate and encourage.

Plans for me to wear my servant’s heart on my sleeve and invite others to do the same with my Salt & Light SERVE Spotlight podcast and blog series.

Plans for me to cultivate community by connecting with other homeschool moms of faith (who also happen to be authors) in my Shelf Indulgence Book Chats podcast series.

I am humbled to have met some of the most amazing people on this journey, fellow parents, fellow homeschoolers, and fellow fulfillers of The Great Commission.

Since launching my first website, www.itsonlyhomeschooling.com, I have grown (and continue to grow) in my relationship with the Lord. Through walking in obedience, I am learning to surrender to whatever calling the Lord puts on my life.
Community outreach is a topic that is very near and dear to my heart. While I may not provide direct care, once a helper always a helper. I am humbled to be of service.
It is this desire to help others that led me to found The Homeschool Counseling Network.

The Homeschool Counseling Network’s mission is to connect homeschooling families with free resources in the areas of academic advising, counseling, testing, therapy, and tutoring to inspire, inform, and improve lives.
The Homeschool Counseling Network Mission Statement

We accomplish our mission through writing, creating digital content, public speaking engagements (podcast appearances, educational conferences, continuing education workshops), and planning and implementing our own online and in-person events.
The Homeschool Counseling Network Mission Statement
Listening to God’s call on my life, I endeavor to help bridge the gap between homeschoolers and professionals.
Finding clinicians with the knowledge and understanding necessary to support homeschooling families through their professional practices can present a challenge. Here at The Homeschool Counseling Network, we are working hard to help bridge this gap.
By creating a resource list of homeschool family-friendly providers, we aim to help ease the burden of seeking support services.
It is our sincerest wish to offer comfort, encouragement, and support by connecting homeschooling families with providers who are equipped to help meet their counseling needs.
The Homeschool Counseling Network Vision and Purpose

What To Expect From The Homeschool Counseling Network
HCN functions as a liaison between homeschooling families and professional helpers.
Our network consists of professionals in the areas of academic advising (career advising, transcripts, college transition, etc.), counseling (counseling, marriage and family, mental health, psychology, psychiatry, social work, etc), testing (assessment, interest inventory, testing, etc.), therapy (occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech-language pathology), and tutoring (coaching, education).
To learn more about our Mission and Vision, click here.
To learn more about how The Homeschool Counseling Network plans to serve the homeschooling community, visit our About Page.
For professionals who are interested in joining The Homeschool Counseling Network, click here.
Let’s Keep In Touch
Be sure you do not miss a blog post by signing up for our email list, liking our Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, or Pinterest pages, or subscribing to our YouTube channel.
Like what you see here? Sharing is caring!
Kimberly Bennett, LPC (GA LPC #004461, TX LPC #80138)
Founder/CEO, It’s Only Homeschooling
Founder/CEO, The Homeschool Counseling Network
This website is not a professional counseling website and nothing here should be construed as professional counseling advice. Although Kimberly Bennett, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor, she is not your counselor, and no counselor-client relationship is established unless she has signed an agreement with you. All information provided through this website is for informational and educational purposes only.