How Parent Advocates Can Harness the Power of Mindset

Can you juggle?

Oh, I’ll bet you can!

Whether you work, stay at home, homeschool, or some version of all three, (because let’s face it parenting IS a job even if the rewards do not come in the form of a paycheck), then you know what it feels like to have a few balls up in the air at any given time.

We all play roles. When you are the parent of a child with learning differences or challenges, you learn to take a new role – the role of parent advocate. While daunting at first, I assure you, it is a hat worth wearing.

In this HCN vlog, I chat about harnessing the power of mindset when finding the courage to become a parent advocate.

Harnessing The Power of Mindset // Parent Advocacy // Homeschool Counseling Network // HCN Vlog

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Kimberly Bennett, LPC

Founder/CEO, It’s Only Homeschooling

Founder/CEO, The Homeschool Counseling Network

This website is not a professional counseling website and nothing here should be construed as professional counseling advice. Although Kimberly Bennett, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor, she is not your counselor, and no counselor-client relationship is established unless she has signed an agreement with you. All information provided through this website is for informational and educational purposes only.

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