HCN Videos

The Homeschool Quest & HCN Collaboration: Early Screening Mental Health Expert Panel

October is National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month.

I am excited to share this collaboration between The Homeschool Quest and the Homeschool Counseling Network.

The Homeschool Counseling Network Inc. is committed to mental health advocacy and awareness inherent to our mission to bridge the gap between families and professionals equipped to support them on their home education journey.

In this first webinar, I am joined by author, public speaker, homeschool mom, former school psychologist, and consultant, Amy Bodkin, Ed.S., and homeschool mom, clinical psychologist, and ADHD expert, Sue Han, Ph.D.

Join us as we discuss the benefits of early health screening. We also discuss the screening process: why screening is important, what to expect, where to get screened, when to take your child for a screening, and who conducts the screenings. Finally, we also address some common questions and concerns associated with screenings.

HQ & HCN: Early Screening Health Expert Panel

Jus Classical Helps Homeschoolers Bridge the Fine Arts Gap with Online Courses – HCN VLOG

Of all the subjects I teach in my homeschool, there is only one I dread, math. But there are two that I REFUSE to teach on my own, art and music.

While all three subjects are important to a well-rounded classical education, I recognize my strengths and limitations.

When it comes to playing music, I stick to the radio. Speaking of sticks? My self-portraits closely resemble those, too.

Thank heavens for art and music teachers!

Jus Classical is the brainchild of Christian homeschool mom of three Justina Thurston, a talented artist, musician, former Classical Conversations tutor/director, blogger, digital content creator, and music therapist.

Jus Classical Helps Homeschoolers Bridge the Fine Arts Gap With Online Courses//Homeschool VLOG

The Importance of Advocacy: Honoring Minority Mental Health Awareness Month With HCN Guest Vlogger Natalie Mack, M.Ed.

July is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. In today’s HCN Vlog episode, we chat with author, homeschool mom, counselor, nonprofit founder, professional speaker, and advocate Natalie Mack, M.Ed. about the significance and importance of raising awareness for minority mental health.

Minority Mental Health Awareness//Homeschool Counseling Network//Natalie Mack//Homeschool Vlog

Family Faith-Building Academy Helps Homeschooling Parents Shepherd Their Children’s Hearts

July is Purposeful Parenting Month. What greater purpose is there as a parent than shepherding the hearts of our children for Christ? Did you know your home is a mission field?

In today’s HCN Vlog episode, we chat with author, homeschool mom, and Licensed Clinical Social Worker Katie J. Trent about her family discipleship course, Family Faith-Building Academy.

Family Faith-Building Academy Helps Homeschooling Parents Shepherd Their Children’s Hearts//HCN Vlog

What Is Due Diligence When Searching for a Mental Health Provider? 5 Tips to Consider When Finding a Mental Health Provider

In this video, we talk about due diligence – what it is and how it can help you find a “good fit” mental health provider. I share my top five tips to consider when seeking out mental health services. I also chat about informed consent.

5 Tips To Consider When Searching For A Mental Health Provider//Due Diligence//Homeschool Support

Professional Coaching VS Counseling: What’s the Difference?

In this HCN Vlog post, we explore the differences between professional counseling and professional coaching.

While both services are in the vein of helping others, it is important to note distinctions between the two professions.

Coaching VS Counseling//Homeschool Support//Homeschool Resources// Homeschool Counseling Network

HCN Guest Vlogger Sharon Jeffus of Visual Manna Shares How To Incorporate Art Into Core Subjects To Enhance Learning

In this episode of The Homeschool Counseling Network Vlog, we speak with author, educator, artist, and former homeschool mom Sharon Jeffus of Visual Manna. Today, Sharon discusses the importance of incorporating art into core courses.

Incorporating Art Into Core Subjects // Visual Manna // Homeschool Vlog // Homeschool Resources

HCN Guest Vlogger Dr. Rhonda Johnson Shares How Play Therapy and EMDR Can Help Support You In Your Homeschool

In this episode of the Homeschool Counseling Network Vlog, we interview Guest Vlogger Dr. Rhonda Johnson. Dr. Johnson explains the therapeutic techniques of E.ye M.ovement D.esensitization and R.eprocessing (EMDR) and Play Therapy and shares how these techniques can help families heal.

Play Therapy & EMDR Explained // Homeschool Resources // CCFAM // Counseling // Homeschool Vlog

Let’s All Keep Chickens! Homesteading Advice For Homeschoolers

Popular YouTuber, author, educator, and podcaster Dalia has been teaching others how to care for chickens for over a decade. Now homeschooling families can benefit from her knowledge in her one-of-a-kind, self-paced online course: Chickenlandia’s Backyard Chickens 101: A Chicken Course for Everyone! Join HCN Founder Kimberly Bennett as she chats with Dalia about how her affordable, self-paced course can support your family’s homeschooling journey.

Chickenlandia’s Backyard Chickens 101 Course//Homeschool Vlog//Creator Collab//Homeschool Support

The Secret To Success For Homeschooling On The Go: The Method of Mindset

HCN Guest Vlog Contributor Lara Saldana shares her tips and wisdom for homeschooling on the go. Follow her and her family as they share a day in the life of homeschooling and RV living.

Lara is the creator of Heart Spark Homeschool. She is the homeschooling mom of 4 kids and an illustrator. She and her family travel full-time in an RV and follow her husband’s work.

HeartSpark offers editing and art services for hire. To view samples of their work, click here. To request a quote, visit their website.

Schooling on the go with Lara! (Laura Saldana of Heart Spark Homeschool)

From Frazzled Writers To Fearless Writers with Discern To Learn

HCN Guest VLOG contributor Discern to Learn offers free student assessments, personalized learning plans, virtual classes, and online writing support. Visit their website today to learn more.

Frazzled to Fearless – Discern to Learn YouTube
This website is not a professional counseling website and nothing here should be construed as professional counseling advice. Although Kimberly Bennett, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor, she is not your counselor, and no counselor-client relationship is established unless she has signed an agreement with you. All information provided through this website is for informational and educational purposes only.