Holiday Homeschooling Series: Loving Your Neighbor is the Gift That Outlast The Holidays

The holiday season is a perfect time to serve others.

In these uncertain times of widespread illness, high inflation, economic instability, and financial insecurity, there is no shortage of opportunities to help those just outside your door.

In our house, we call it sprinkling a little salt and letting our love light shine.

Ways To Serve Your Community:

Looking for some ways to grow your family’s servants’ hearts this holiday season? Here are a few ideas:

Help Your Neighbor. In my family’s neighborhood, we have a closed social media group for neighbors. We also make use of the Nextdoor app. Connecting with other community members has helped us come together to lift one another up in trying times. Meal trains, donations of gently used goods, and job opportunities are just a few ways our village has come together to support one another during moments of tragedy, loss, or illness.

Invite Someone To Dinner. No one should have to celebrate the holidays. The proud women and men who choose to serve our country are often separated from loved ones during the holiday season. Consider adopting a soldier for dinner.

Or if you know of an elderly neighbor who lives alone, set an extra place setting, have the kids make a special invitation, and hand deliver it. If they cannot attend, make them a plate and have the kids be their personal meal delivery service.

Ask your church about adopting a singleton to share in your bounty. There’s always room for one more. And food tastes better when it is shared.

Let Your Love Language Shine. We all have been blessed with different gifts. In addition to these gifts, we all have a preferred Love Language. To learn more about the Five Love Languages and how to identify yours click here. Use your gifts to honor God by serving others.

Play Follow The Leader. Children have one MAJOR advantage over adults when it comes to innovation and inventiveness. As we leave childhood and childish things behind in our ascent to adulthood, we unfortunately also leave behind a crucial coping and creative tool – the gift of imagination. 

Boggled down with the often necessary and sometimes mundane responsibilities of adulthood, it is easy to forget how to be creative. Ask your child for some suggestions on how to help others. Their ideas may surprise you.

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Kimberly Bennett, LPC

Founder/CEO, The Homeschool Counseling Network Inc.

This website is not a professional counseling website and nothing here should be construed as professional counseling advice. Although Kimberly Bennett, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor, she is not your counselor, and no counselor-client relationship is established unless she has signed an agreement with you. All information provided through this website is for informational and educational purposes only.

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