Homeschooling 101
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This page is filled with resources for those who are beginning to homeschool or who may be considering homeschooling as an option for their family.
From resources to help ensure you are compliant with your state’s home education laws to evaluating the pros and cons of homeschooling for your family to homeschool approaches and styles to quick start guides and finding your community, this page is filled with links to invaluable resources.

Homeschooling Defined
Homeschooling is an education option in which parents direct their children’s education rather than enrolling them full-time in a public school or private school. Homeschooling parents take charge of their children’s education through learning at home, joining co-ops, hiring tutors, participating in academic clubs, taking community college classes, and much more.
Homeschooling is parent-directed and/or child-directed education that allows for a personalized education plan. Some homeschoolers may take advantage of part-time enrollment offered through public or private schools while others may entirely opt-out of institutional education.
Homeschooling: A Guide for Parents – TheHomeSchoolMom
First Things First
Before picking out curricula, signing up for co-ops, or withdrawing your child from school (if they are currently enrolled in public school), The Homeschool Counseling Network strongly recommends familiarizing yourself with your state’s laws regarding homeschooling.
The Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) has worked hard for the past 40+ years to protect parents’ rights to home-educate their children. Visit their website to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations for homeschooling in your state.
How To Homeschool 101
For a quick, yet comprehensive guide, the HCN highly recommends the below video from fellow homeschool mom C.J. of Homeschooling Through High School.
Looking for a longer, step-by-step, online-based approach? Check out this course from second-generation homeschool mom and YouTuber Rebecca Devitt:
Homeschool Parenting Program: Online Course by Rebecca Devitt (
Pros and Cons of Homeschooling
To help you and your family weigh the costs and benefits of homeschooling, below are a few thoughtful articles:
The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling (
Hybrid Homeschooling: Is It the Best of Both Worlds? • iHomeschool Network
Homeschooling vs Public School: from a mom who has taught both • iHomeschool Network
The Real Homeschooling Pros and Cons: What You Should Know & Why (
20+ Pros and Cons of Homeschooling (in 2024) (
Books About Homeschooling
There are numerous books about homeschooling. Here are a few of our favorites:

Homeschool Approaches, Styles, and Methods
From Classical to Charlotte Mason to Eclectic to Unschooling, there are a variety of approaches, styles, and methods for home-educating your child. Below are some of our favorite articles outlining a few:
Homeschooling Styles – TheHomeSchoolMom
The Ultimate Homeschool Style Guide – The Byzantine Life
17 Types of Homeschooling Styles and Methods – Homeschool Planning (
How to Find Your Homeschooling Style | Homeschool .com
Quick-Start Guides
Below are links to some of our favorite quick-start guides for homeschooling:
Homeschooling: A Guide for Parents – TheHomeSchoolMom
7 Simple Steps to Start Homeschooling (
How to Homeschool – The Ultimate Guide For Beginners (
The How to Homeschool Guide | Homeschool .com
Curriculum Finders
Searching for curricula can feel overwhelming, whether you are new to homeschooling or a seasoned homeschooler. The links below offer some insight into and reviews for a variety of curricula:
Homeschool Help That’s Welcoming Inspiring and Life-Changing
Cathy Duffy Homeschool Curriculum Reviews (
Curriculum Finder | Homeschool .com
The Homeschool Quest (Resources and Curricula all under $30)
How to Choose the Best Homeschool Curriculum – TheHomeSchoolMom
Finding Your Village
When it comes to homeschooling, just as in life, no one is an island. As we say in our homeschool, there is great comfort in community. Surrounding yourself with a support system can significantly impact your homeschooling experience.
There are numerous ways to find community, whether in person or online. Below are a few examples.
Homeschool Co-ops. Considering joining a co-op? Check out these resources for group learning in your area. Find Homeschool Groups Near Me | Homeschool .com, Local Homeschool Groups – TheHomeSchoolMom, and Find a Local Homeschool support group from HSLDA
Social Media. Facebook provides a plethora of support through both public and private groups dedicated to homeschooling.
Virtual Communities. Social media aside, there are additional online communities available to offer support, such as Made 2 Homeschool, Homeschool Mastery Academy, and The Homeschool Quest to name a few.
Always Learning, Always Growing
For more of my story and background, check out my debut blog post here.
For background on how The Homeschool Counseling Network came to be, visit our About page.
Just like us, this page is always learning and always growing. Resources are updated regularly.
However, this page is not the only source of information. Be sure to check out The Homeschool Counseling Network Blog where we feature posts on all sorts of topics related to counseling and homeschooling.
Seeking advice from counseling, mental health, therapy, and educational professionals? Check out The Homeschool Counseling Network Podcast.
Be sure you do not miss a blog post by signing up for our email list, liking our Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, or Pinterest pages, or subscribing to our YouTube channel.
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Kimberly Bennett, LPC (TX LPC #80138)
Founder/CEO, Homeschool Counseling Network Inc.

This website is not a professional counseling website and nothing here should be construed as professional counseling advice. Although Kimberly Bennett, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor, she is not your counselor, and no counselor-client relationship is established unless she has signed an agreement with you. All information provided through this website is for informational and educational purposes only.