Know Before You Go: Benefitting From Bibliotherapy With Career Guidance Coach Jay DuSold

In this Homeschool Counseling Network video series, we share the benefits of bibliotherapy by chatting with authors about their work, their journeys, and the life lessons they have learned along the way.

In this episode of The Homeschool Counseling Network’s Bibliotherapy Book Club, we speak with the author, educator, public speaker, former homeschool parent, and Next-Gen Career Guide, Jay DuSold about his debut release: Know Before You Go: Nine Things You Must Discover About a Job of Interest to Avoid a Regrettable Choice.

January is a month filled with renewed hope and promise for the future. It is also a time of year when high school students begin visiting college campuses as they chart their career course. In honor of National Mentoring Month, The Homeschool Counseling Network proudly features Jay and his amazing guide as our book of the month pick.

About the Book

Know Before You Go is a career guidance resource for emerging young adults that provides a research framework for gaining a thorough understanding of a job so they can make an informed decision. Know Before You Go is ideal for tweens, teens, and young twenty-somethings.

As a result of reading, they’ll learn . . . The Job Research Blueprintâ„¢ reveals the nine critical facts they must discover about a job of interest before deciding to pursue it. How to quickly and easily discover each facet. How to reflect on their findings to determine if the position is worth further investigation. Its unique “not-a-book” format was designed for “resistant readers” or young people who may not be open to discussing the topic. The single-sentence pages, large font, and progress meter help most readers complete the book in approximately six minutes!

Pick up your copy from Amazon today!

About the Author

Jay DuSold is an author, public speaker, former homeschool parent, former minister, and NextGen Career Guide. Jay has a passion for working with teens and young adults to help them find their True Job Fit. Jay is the author of Know Before You Go, a not-a-book, tongue-in-cheek career guide. You can find Jay at his website,

Jay was also a guest on The HCN Podcast. Check out the episode here: The Homeschool Counseling Network Podcast – The HCN Podcast – Episode 6: Life After 12th With Jay DuSold |

What is Bibliotherapy?

If bibliophiles are lovers of books, I’ll bet you can guess what bibliotherapy is!

You nailed it! Using books as a medium to help facilitate the healing process in therapy.

Bibliotherapy is a form of creative arts therapy that uses literature to help you improve your life by providing information, support, and guidance through reading books and stories. Books and other written material can influence human emotions and provide wisdom, emotional connection, insight, and comfort. Bibliotherapy: Definition, Types, Techniques, and Efficacy (

How It Works

At HCN, we believe in the benefits of bibliotherapy. Join us monthly in our private Facebook group as we chat with authors here to help support you in your homeschool.

Each month, HCN will choose a reading selection. The book choice will be announced at the beginning of the month in our private Facebook group. Group posts will feature author interviews for the featured month’s reading recommendation.

We hope to encourage healthy discussion and dialogue among members to offer encouragement and support. Members are also encouraged to recommend and discuss various bibliotherapy suggestions.

Author Recommendations

Do you have an author you would like to submit for consideration?

Perhaps YOU are a homeschool parent who is also an author?

Do you have some hard-earned wisdom to share with fellow homeschool parents?

How about teaching tips, personal growth stories, or words of encouragement?

Would you like to be considered as a candidate?

Then reach out and tell me a little bit about yourself!

A copy of your book must be submitted for consideration. Digital format is welcome.

Please note, this is not a book review or critique, but rather an opportunity to share your experience as a homeschool parent with other homeschool families to encourage and inspire.

Email me to submit your book for consideration: [email protected]

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Kimberly Bennett, LPC


Founder/CEO, It’s Only Homeschooling

Founder/CEO, The Homeschool Counseling Network Inc.

This website is not a professional counseling website and nothing here should be construed as professional counseling advice. Although Kimberly Bennett, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor, she is not your counselor, and no counselor-client relationship is established unless she has signed an agreement with you. All information provided through this website is for informational and educational purposes only.

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