Playing Can Be Fun, But Did You Know It Can Also Be Therapeutic?

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Playing with your child can be fun, but did you also know it can be therapeutic?

Play is a child’s natural language. Before they can form words, children observe and interact with the world around them. As parents and caregivers, we are a HUGE chunk of that world.

We are our child’s first teacher and first friend. We do more than have fun with our children when we play with them. We nurture them. We model healthy communication skills. We build bonds.

Play is one of the most powerful tools in our parenting toolbox.

Fundamental Foundations

Introduced in the 1960s by psychologist Ann Jernberg, Ph.D., as part of Chicago’s Head Start Program, Theraplay was developed as an effort to serve an overwhelmingly large number of preschool children with limited community mental health resources. Theraplay was an innovative technique that allowed both professionals and laypersons the opportunity to be trained and supervised with this new intervention.

Trainees simply needed to be flexible, open, and willing to learn and apply therapeutic skills. The program was successful.

Theraplay has four guiding principles:

Structure – “the adult, the leader in the relationship creates, organization and predictability for the child which communicates safety”

Nurture – “the adult provides caring that can calm and soothe the child in a manner that makes them feel good physically and emotionally”

Engagement – “the adult is present in a manner that the child experiences being seen, heard, felt, and accepted”

Challenge – “the adult supports thew child in the acquisition and mastery of new skills, enhancing the child’s sense of competence and confidence.”

Taken from

Benefits of Theraplay

  • Fosters self-esteem
  • Helps children feel safe
  • Promotes healthy socialization
  • Assists in self-regulation

Theraplay – Video courtesy of the Theraplay Institute

Difference Between Theraplay and Play Therapy

Do I have to be a trained clinician to do this? No. but there are some helpful guidelines.

About Theraplay®, Expressive Arts, ADHD, and Sensory Integration (

Additional Theraplay Resources

Peer Review – Theraplay

Association for Play Therapy (

Association for Play Therapy (

Home – PTI – Play Therapy International

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Kimberly Bennett, LPC

It’s Only Homeschooling and The Homeschool Counseling Network

This website is not a professional counseling website and nothing here should be construed as professional counseling advice. Although Kimberly Bennett, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor, she is not your counselor, and no counselor-client relationship is established unless she has signed an agreement with you. All information provided through this website is for informational and educational purposes only.

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