Wear Your Orthotics: Lessons From Our Son’s Therapy Crew (Homeschool Vlog)
Today, in Part 5 of HCN's Lessons From Our Son's Therapy Crew series, I stress the importance of having your child be consistent with the wear schedule for his or her orthotics. I also give a few BONUS lessons I learned. Stay tuned to the end to find out!...
Do Your Homework: Lessons From Our Son’s Therapy Crew (Homeschool Vlog)
Today, in Part 4 of HCN's Lessons From Our Son's Therapy Crew VLOG series, I emphasize the importance of working with your child at home on their skills OUTSIDE of occupational and physical therapy sessions....
Help Means Together: Lessons From Our Son’s Therapy Crew (Homeschool Vlog)
In Part 3 of HCN's Lessons From Our Son's Therapy Crew Vlog series, I talk about the importance of allowing our children to have the victory of their accomplishments by letting them learn they can do hard things....
Learning To Trust My Mama Gut: Lessons From Our Son’s Therapy Crew (HCN Vlog)
In Part 1 of HCN's Lessons From Our Son's Therapy Crew Vlog series, I shared why communication is KEY. Today, in Part 2, I discuss the importance of trusting your instincts as a parent....
Communication Is Key: Lessons From Our Son’s Therapy Crew (Homeschool Vlog)
In this VLOG series, I share lessons I have learned over the past seven years of our son's Occupational and Physical Therapy journey. Our son has diagnoses of Development Coordination Disorder(DCD)/Dyspraxia, Dysgraphia, and Sensory Integration Dysfunction (Sensory Processing Disorder). He has received services since he was around age 3.
How Parent Advocates Can Harness the Power of Mindset
Can you juggle? Oh, I’ll bet you can! Whether you work, stay at home, homeschool, or some version of all three, (because let’s face it parenting IS a job even if the rewards do not come in the form of a paycheck), then you know what it feels like...
Stress-Free Planning Tips for Your Homeschool (HCN Homeschool Vlog)
Homeschool planning does not have to be stressful.
Always learning, always growing.
I am proud of my imperfect progress as a reformed excessive planner. In this video, I share how my homeschool planning has evolved over the years. From my first year as a homeschool mom, where I frantically...