FREE Homeschool Parenting Workshop: Making the Feeling-Thought-Behavior Connection
I am delighted to partner with The Homeschool Quest to bring you a series of FREE parenting workshops to help support you and your family on your home education journey.
In this workshop, I explore the connection between our feelings, thoughts, and behavior. As a homeschool mom and licensed...
FREE Mental Health Expert Panels! The Homeschool Counseling Network and The Homeschool Quest Partner To Support Homeschool Parents
HCN is proud to partner with The Homeschool Quest to bring you FREE quarterly mental health expert panel webinars. Our first panel aired in October 2024. Visit The Homeschool Quest's FREE and Affordable Resources & Printables Public Facebook Group and look under the EVENTS Tab for scheduled upcoming webinars...
FREE Parenting Workshops! The Homeschool Counseling Network and The Homeschool Quest Partner To Support Homeschool Parents
At HCN, we strive to partner with other homeschool organizations, both nonprofit and for-profit, professionals, and businesses whose goals align with our mission, vision, and values to help bring mental health resources, support, and services to the homeschooling community.
One such partnership is between The Homeschool Counseling Network and...
Holiday Homeschooling Series: Loving Your Neighbor is the Gift That Outlast The Holidays
The holiday season is a perfect time to serve others.
In these uncertain times of widespread illness, high inflation, economic instability, and financial insecurity, there is no shortage of opportunities to help those just outside your door.
In our house, we call it sprinkling a little salt and letting our love...
Homeschooling During the Holidays: Give the Gift of Grace This Holiday Season
Are you a plan-ahead shopper? Or a last-minute gift giver?
When it comes to holiday shopping styles, I tend to fall somewhere in the middle.
While many shoppers remain cool as a cucumber, unaffected by the common calamities that co-occur with throwing themselves into the buying bonanza, I will be the...
HCN Guest Blogger and Therapist Kathyrn Wood Shares How Home-Schooled Teens Can Build Identity and Confidence (and Ease Into Adulthood without Panic!)
Hey there, home-schoolers (and parents of home-schoolers)! You know that panicky feeling when you realize you're growing up and have to do all that adult stuff soon—like getting a job, paying bills, or figuring out how taxes work (yikes)? Yeah… that can be a little stressful! But you’re not...
Guest Speaker and Counselor Vicki Tillman of 7 Sisters Homeschool Shares Her Tips for Homeschooling at the Holidays
Today in our homeschool vlog, we chat with counselor, veteran homeschool mom, writer, and podcaster Vicki Tillman of 7 Sisters Homeschool and The Homeschool High School Podcast. Join us as Vicki shares her wisdom and tips for homeschooling during the holidays....
HCN Guest Blogger and Licensed Psychotherapist Mallorie Rodgers Shares Some Common Signs of Neurodivergence in Children
All brains are good brains! In this HCN GUest Blog post, Licensed Professional Counselor Mallorie Rodgers shares some common signs of neurodivergence and shares how neurodiversity-affirming care can help support you in your home education journey. ...
Guest Speaker Josh Spurlock of My Counselor Online Shares The Benefits of Neuroscience Informed Christian Counseling (NICC) for Homeschoolers
In this episode of The Homeschool Counseling Network Vlog, we speak with private practice owner, professional counselor, public speaker, clinician, and former homeschool parent Josh Spurlock, MA, LPC, CST. Josh and his wife Cassie founded My Counselor Online in 2007 "with a vision to provide excellent Christian counseling services...
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month: Acknowledging, Grieving, Remembering
Our culture has not always given space or acknowledgment to pregnancy and infant loss, despite 1 out of every 4 pregnancies ending in miscarriage. That’s a statistic that you’ve likely heard before if you’ve been pregnant - that fear of the worst happening. But sometimes - 25% of the...